
Pr. Fausto Pedro García Márquez

University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain

Fausto works at UCLM as a Full Professor (Accredited as Full Professor from 2013), Spain, an Honorary Senior Research Fellow at Birmingham University, UK, a Lecturer at the Postgraduate European Institute, a Research Fellow at INTI International University&Colleges, Malaysia, and has been Senior Manager in Accenture (2013-2014). He obtained his European PhD with maximum distinction. He has been distinguished with the prices: Runner Prize (2023), Nominate Prize (2022), Gran Maestre (2022), Grand Prize (2021), Runner Prize (2020) and Advancement Prize (2018), Runner (2015), Advancement (2013) and Silver (2012) by the International Society of Management Science and Engineering Management (ICMSEM), First International Business Ideas Competition 2017 Award (2017), etc.  He has published more than 290 journal papers (200 JCR: 98-Q1; 52-Q2; 39-Q3; 9-Q4), some recognized as: “Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications” (Q1, IF. 8.49, one of the most downloaded in first 12 months of publications, 2023),  “Applied Energy” (Q1, IF 9.746, as “Best Paper 2020”), “Renewable Energy” (Q1, IF 8.001, as “Best Paper 2014”); “ICMSEM” (as “excellent”), “Int. J. of Automation and Computing” and “IMechE Part F: J. of Rail and Rapid Transit” (most downloaded), etc. He is the author and editor of over 55 books (Elsevier, Springer, Pearson, Mc-GrawHill, Intech, IGI, Marcombo, AlfaOmega,…), >115 international chapters, and 6 patents. He is the Editor of 5 Int. Journals, Committee Member more than 70 Int. Conferences. He has been the Principal Investigator in 5 European Projects, 8 National Projects, and more than 150 projects for Universities, Companies, etc. His main interests are: Artificial Intelligence, Maintenance, Management, Renewable Energy, Transport, Advanced Analytics, and Data Science.

He is being:

  • Expert in the European Union in AI4People (EISMD), and ESF.
  • Director of www.ingeniumgroup.eu.
  • Senior Member at IEEE, 2021-…
  • Honoured Honourary Member of the Research Council of Indian Institute of Finance, 2021-…
  • Committee Chair of The International Society for Management Science and Engineering Management (ISMSEM), 2020-…
  • Research Fellow at INTI International University&Colleges, Malaysia, from 2023-…
  • Visiting Professor at Sheyang University (China) from 2024-2027
  • Advisory Board of the EU Project SunBio (Id: ID 101157493) 2024-2027