Registration Fees

* At least one author of each accepted paper must register and pay the fee by November 10, 2024 for including the paper in the Springer proceedings. Only paid and registered papers will appear in the proceedings published by Springer.

* Registration fees include: access to the conference sessions, conference material, conference proceedings, lunches, and coffee breaks.

– To register for ICESST 2024, please:

1. Complete the online information form: Information_Form

2. Registration: To confirm your participation, please register for the conference by November 10. Make the bank transfer with the reference “ICESST2024”  and must send a scanned copy of the transfer confirmation to

Early (before November 10th)

Student Registration

100 Paper

Non-Student Registration

150 Paper

Additional Page (For each page after the 10th)

50 Page

Non-author Registration

50 Person

Late (after November 10th)

Student Registration

150 Paper

Non-Student Registration

200 Paper

Additional Page (For each page after the 10th)
50 Page

Non-author Registration

50 Person